How an Organized Home Supports Self-Care

How an Organized Home Supports Self-Care

Self-care isn’t just about making time for yourself—it’s also about shaping your environment to support your well-being. A cluttered, chaotic home can add unnecessary stress, while an organized space creates a sense of control and calm. Through my work as a professional organizer, I’ve seen how small, intentional changes can help transform a home...

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Clever Christmas Storage Hacks: Featured on ApartmentGuide!

Clever Christmas Storage Hacks: Featured on ApartmentGuide!

As the holiday season winds down, it’s time to start thinking about packing away all the festive decorations that brought so much joy to your home. This process can feel daunting, but with a little planning and some expert tips, it doesn’t have to be!   I’m thrilled to share that I was recently featured as an expert in the ApartmentGuide...

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Our Complete Moving Guide (Free Download!)

Our Complete Moving Guide (Free Download!)

Are you planning a move or know someone who is?! Download my Complete Moving Guide below!

If we’re being honest, no matter what you do – the majority of the moving process sucks. All you want to do is think about being in your new home, but the steps to get there can be quite overwhelming! That’s exactly why I created this guide – to help take the guesswork out of the planning & packing process so you can think less and just get it done! 🙌🏼

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Shred Or Not To Shred

Shred Or Not To Shred

Why hello tax season… This time of year you can find me rummaging through my files to collect & file away necessary tax documents, which also means it is time for my annual review of our files to determine what documents are no longer necessary and are ready to be shredded.  I know what you are thinking… but I have opted to go paperless on...

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Check Out The Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured In!

Check Out The Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured In!

Efficiently Neat was recently featured in an article by Redfin! I loved the opportunity to contribute to this article and always enjoy seeing such greate tips and tricks from fellow organizers! See a quick snippet below as well as the link to full article!   Common Home Organizing Mistakes Professionals Always Notice (and Organization Ideas...

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10 Things To Get Rid Of TODAY!

10 Things To Get Rid Of TODAY!

Do you have too much stuff? If we're being honest with each other, you probably do… otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. Either way… just know that there is absolutely no judgment on my end - I am just happy you're here and hope you find this post helpful!  Whether you’re running low on cabinet real estate or you just want to get things a bit...

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The 5 W’s of Decanting

The 5 W’s of Decanting

If you have been on social media lately or searched 'organizing' on Pinterest or maybe even watched one of the new organizing shows on Netflix, you have most likely seen pictures or videos of decanting. You know, those beautiful kitchens and pantries full of clear, matching containers/canisters - that my friends, is decanting, and we are going to...

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Home Gym Organization: Get Inspired & Keep Sweating!

Home Gym Organization: Get Inspired & Keep Sweating!

January has come and gone... here we are already in February and unfortunately for us that wonderful new years resolution motivation is slowly drifting away... Like many of you, there have been crazy life changes, kiddos at home 24/7, trying to balance work and life, and an unorganized "gym area" that has thankfully gotten us through 2020, but is...

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Quick Storage Ideas to Keep Your Winter Gear in Check!

Quick Storage Ideas to Keep Your Winter Gear in Check!

Is it just me or does this time of year somehow make your coat closet and/or mudroom look like a bomb went off with the addition of all that winter gear 😱. I am not entirely sure how, but I am pretty convinced our winter gear multiplies during the off season! What used to be a nice, orderly space, all of sudden turns into a state of chaos....

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Winter Car Emergency Kit – Top 10 Must Haves!

Winter Car Emergency Kit – Top 10 Must Haves!

Now a days I spend A LOT of time at home. Don't get me wrong, while I love getting pretty much anything and everything delivered to my door step… I do enjoy the few times during the week when I *need* to drive my car (need as in… the excuse to get out of the house to get coffee 😬) So you may be asking, why should I be thinking about Winter Car...

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A portion of every booking made in Novemeber will be donated to Alzheimer's Research!


November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month and I am donating a portion of the revenue from all bookings made this month to the Alzheimer's Association in my Grandma's name.


Needing to get your home organized before the holidays AND donate to a great cause? Now is your time! 💜