Flip Your Closet Like a Pro: 3 Easy Steps To Get Your Closet Fall Ready!
If you live in Kansas City, you are very familiar with how *extremely* unpredictable the weather can be... cue snow one week followed by a week of highs in the 80s 🤷🏼♀️ With weather like ours, it can feel like your closet is living in a state of utter chaos... never fear, we will walk you through our 3 step process to help you combat the chaos...

5 Simple Tips To Master Halloween Decoration Storage
Pumpkin carving, candy comas, glow stick dance parties, and an Egg Haunt (think easter egg hunt, but Halloween style 😂)... our 2020 Halloween was anything but normal, but we made it fun regardless! Instead of trick or treating this year, we decided to stay in and throw our own little Halloween Party. It ended up being a ton of fun, but in doing...